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Your First Visit

1. Plan to spend about 40 minutes to an hour on your first visit. Please fill out the paperwork in the link below in advance of your appointment to refresh your memory on any health history and to save time on your first visit. On your first visit to the office, you will meet with the doctor right away in our comfortable exam room.

Remember to complete the New patient form to save time and not be greeted with piles of paperwork…just a friendly face!

2. Dr. Katrina will talk with you about your health concerns. She reviews and takes a detailed history of your health issues to help determine if yours is a chiropractic case.

Dr. Katrina listens…she always encourages you to ask lots of questions!

3. Next, you will have a complete exam, which includes special tests. These tests help determine where your problem areas might be and how the doctor will address them. During our chiropractic exams, our patients wear thick, open-back gowns that only open wide enough to examine your spine.

The tests include:

Static Palpation: which is simply feeling the bones in your spine for tenderness, swelling and other abnormalities

Motion Palpation: which is simply bending your spine to look for signs of fixation

Instrumentation: which involves running a Nervo-scope down your spine to locate areas of swelling. The Nervo-scope feels like two fingers gliding down your spine. It detects heat, which is an indication of swelling.

These tests, in addition to others, help the doctor determine if yours is a chiropractic case…if they can help you.

Then, if necessary, full spine weight bearing (standing) x-rays will be taken. X-rays are taken for several reasons:

  • To determine the condition of the discs (the cushions between the vertebrae in your spine)

  • To determine the phases of degeneration

  • To locate potential problem areas, misalignments

  • To rule out other pathologies (disease).


To see is to know, to not see is to guess. We don’t want to guess at your health care. X-rays are an important tool of analysis.

After the x-rays, Dr. Katrina reviews them with you and determines the best course of treatment to provide the best care possible.

You are then ready to see Dr. Katrina.

We look forward to meeting you.

Play the video for a quick office tour!

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